Sunday, February 17, 2008

Around the Village Again

By now, I am fairly familiar with my way around the village. Today, my running buddy Anton and I had a walk around the village before our run. Anton is a senior at the local high school and is the 200-meter run champion. So whenever he comes to run with me, he slows down to accommodate my pace. And as always, when we go out to run, we always end up with a group of kids trailing us, gawking and laughing at the funny-looking foreigner.

Just a normal Sunday afternoon by the lake

Some rich businessman in the village is building this huge house with a sweeping view of the lake. How rich is he? Just look at those giant glass doors.

This guy's boat has seen better days

It's beer o'clock at one of the two bars in the village

There are many shacks like this one at the village market where villagers have their little retail business.

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