All traffic stops and crowds gather as an elk crosses the road
Looks like something out of a Petrie dish. The thermophilic bacteria grow along suitable streams and ponds, the species and color changes depending on the temperature and pH of the water.
Over here the bacteria take on a reddish-brownish appearance
And along this stream, green and brown grow side by side
Many of these creeks are replenished by run-offs from geysers and springs
Steam from springs blowing in the late afternoon glow gives the landscape a surreal appearance
The water of the springs can be clear, or it can be emerald-green, depending on the minerals dissolved in it
Grass and trees are constantly trying to reclaim the land
This spring next to a picnic area looks inviting, but it’s probably not a good idea to jump in - it's boiling
People watching yet another geyser erupt
The size of the Grand Prismatic Spring can only be appreciated from the air, this is just a sliver of it
Morning Glory Spring
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, although nowhere near the size of the one in
The raging torrent looks like a smooth ribbon from this height
With the spring dried up, the white calcium skeleton is what’s left of Minerva Terrace
These unfortunate trees stood in the way of the water spilling out of a spring
View from top of Minerva Terrace
A herd of bison grazing at the foot of the mountain
The road out of Yellowstone and into the big sky country of
The road winds its way up the side of a mountain just outside of
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