Saturday, November 29, 2008

One Day More...

Until this is all over! The big, end-of-medical-school-and-must-pass-to-graduate exam is spread out over today and tomorrow. Our class is split into four groups: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon. As always in this kind of situation, I have the misfortune of being allocated to the Sunday afternoon session, just to ensure that the agony of endless waiting is prolonged. The exam is the live, face-to-face type consisting of nine live stations in which we are given scenarios and are instructed to talk to or examine or device a management plan for the real or volunteer “fake” patients.

By now, half of the class has already finished their exams. I am sure they are all appropriately in an altered mental state, but continue to quaff large quantities of alcohol in various disguises which, for many, has been the one constant through the four years of medical school.

While those half of the class are blowing off steam and generally engaging in wanton revelry in ways that may potentially be career-enders should they wish to enter politics later in life, this half – well, me at least – is trying to use our psychic power to predict the questions and topics that will be on our exam tomorrow. They had a cardiovascular system examination station today? I think it might be respiratory or gastrointestinal system tomorrow. They had an O&G station consisting of contraception advice and placenta previa today? It could be pre-conception counseling and pre-term labor tomorrow. Today’s ophthalmology station had patients with glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa? We’ll probably get a couple of patients with macula degeneration and diabetic retinopathy…

No more studying. I am as ready as I will ever get. It’s time for some sleep.

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