Monday, November 19, 2007

Waiting for the Execution

Tomorrow I will be taking the exams for medicine rotation, and I am feeling restless, unable to concentrate, and in complete sympathetic overdrive. Studying? So over it. I have been staring at the pages of my books and nothing seemed to have gotten through. This afternoon, feeling like I was getting nowhere with studying, I went to the pool for a swim. After jumping into the pool, I felt like my arms were made of putty and just wouldn’t cooperate to allow me a good swim. After splashing around in the lane for a half hour, moving like I’d just learned to swim, I gave up and walked back home.

I don’t know why I am feeling so nervous. You’d think after having taken so many exams in my life, it wouldn’t be a big deal anymore. Maybe it’s because the whole exam is live, as opposed to written like almost all of the other exams I’d taken before. Maybe it’s because my grade for the whole rotation will be from the exam tomorrow. Or maybe it’s actually excitement from knowing that I am one day away from a two-month holiday.

I take my pulse. Forty-eight per minute – pretty normal for me. Maybe I am not that nervous after all. But my palms are sweaty and have been for the last three days. I feel like I am waiting for my execution tomorrow, watching the clock tick away, dreading the inevitability of it but, at the same time, looking forward to when it’s over.

All right, no more studying. I am going to watch some video clips on Youtube and hopefully I will get tired at some point.

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