The rain has stopped, the sky is still overcast. I walk outside and see Chuong, his mother, and Thu already tending to their livestock. "Xin Chao!" I say to the three of them. "Good morning," Chuong replies in English. "Did you sleep well?" he asks. "Like a baby," I assure him.
I ask to use their outhouse. By the time I come back, breakfast is already sitting on the table in the living room. We sit down for a delicious meal of chicken rice porridge. Then it is time to say good bye to Chuong's mother. At this point, I am kicking my
As I ride slowly down the road, I replay in my head the events that happened in the last fifteen hours: the chance encounter, the halting conversation, the invitation, the feast, a night in the humble house... I am astonished by these people's generosity. It is clear that, although not mired in wrenching poverty by local standards, they are by n
With this going through my head, I ride through a few sma
At noon, I reach the village of My Lai, site of the 1968 massacre of hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, by American soldiers. The village looks like any ordinary Vietnamese village save for the memorial and museum built at the original site of the massacre. I park my bike and walk in to the museum. A simple but effective exhibit recounts the bloody morning of March 16, 1968. Walking past graphic photographs of the lifeless bodies of the elderly, men, women, children, and babies strewn across fields and roads, crude models of US soldiers firing at civilians, and reading about the cover-up that happened afterwards, I can't help but think of what is going on right now in Iraq. I desperately hope that we will not one day lea
For the rest of the day, My Lai weighs heavy on my mind. I ride out of the village and the road rejoins Highway 1. I ride slowly, thinking about the emotional up and down I experienced today. Time passes by as the wheels roll past one town after another. In the late afternoon, I decide to stop at the drab town of Duc Pho for the night.
Distance: 87.6 km
Time: 4h 16m
Average speed: 20.4 kmph
Odometer: 791.6 km
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